About Therapy

696678343In a perfect world, you would feel better by now.

For months, or maybe even years, you’ve been silently struggling, carrying this burden alone.

Maybe you have had some of these similar thoughts…

“I never thought my marriage would look like this.”

“Will my anxiety ever go away?”

“Surely parenting won’t always be this hard.”

These thoughts have troubled you for way too long.

2227594579There’s a better way.

You wake up everyday hopeful that the day will be just a little bit better than the last.

What if I told you that you didn’t have to live your life just waiting for the next bad thing to happen.

Therapy won’t solve all your problems, but it could be the answer to helping you enjoy life a little more.

You don’t have to wait until your kids are older to enjoy the phase of parenting that you’re in.

You can find passion and joy in your marriage once again.

You don’t have to always wonder if you’ll be good enough.

Therapy will be targeted to your specific needs. Together, we will explore what your needs are and set goals on helping you move forward in life.

You will come out of therapy knowing how to regulate difficult emotions and strengthen your relationship, and you will have a better understanding of yourself/circumstances

I’m here to help.

I know it’s not easy opening up to someone new, and therapy can be uncomfortable at times. But it can also be incredibly rewarding if you’re open to the process.

I have sat with couples who wanted nothing to do with each other, individuals who were in the trenches of grief, and adults who couldn’t stop the anxiety from interfering with their daily lives.

No matter what your specific concern is, I want you to know that I am here for you.

When you’re on your own…

Change can feel impossible.

But you’re not alone! I’m in your corner and will be with you every step of the way.

Let me help you get past your struggles and heal.

All you have to do is reach out. Call today and let’s schedule your free consultation: (614) 859-2419.

About Me

Lisa Riddle​I’ve been there, too!

Our circumstances may differ, but there’s a good chance that, at one point or another, I have probably been where you are now.

I’ve experienced loss, struggled in painful relationships, and put my mental health on the back burner.

It took a while to get to where I am today, and it wasn’t the easiest journey. Now I’m at a place where I have confidence in myself and my ability to navigate difficult situations and relationships.

My path in life, although difficult at times, had a big impact on who I am today, not only as a counselor, but as a wife and mother, too.

I understand grief and sorrow in a way that I believe can be very helpful for many of my clients.

Growing up…

I was born in the Sunshine State (Florida) but moved to Ohio as a young kid. Growing up I moved around a lot, spending time in different foster homes, before getting adopted by my forever family.

There are days that I think about my childhood in Florida, and although it sometimes comes with painful memories, I’m forever grateful for the path that God has put me on because it has made me into the woman that I am today.

I have a special place in my heart for kids in the foster care system and for families who choose to open their hearts to adoption.

Some of my educational and professional background…

As an undergraduate, I studied psychology at Ohio State and received my master’s in clinical mental health counseling from Ashland Theological Seminary. I am a member of Psi Chi (an international honor society for psychology) and Chi Sigma Iota (an international honor society for counseling).

When I was a freshman in college, I enlisted in the Army National guard. It was my time in the service that led me to become a mental health counselor. I witnessed firsthand the mental health problems that some of my peers were battling with and I knew that I wanted to do more to help.

I have always been passionate about serving. I have served on countless mission trips around the world, cleaning up after tornado and hurricane damage, to building schools in Africa. I have always had a heart for meeting people and hearing their stories. It brings me joy being able to listen and support people in need.

When I’m not in session…

I love spending time with family and friends, reading good books, and enjoying the sunshine whenever possible.

Finding free time with two kids under four isn’t always easy, but when I do, I’m crafting, doing something outdoors, or catching up on sleep!